Bend it like Beckham

Directed by Gurinder Chadha  (2002)

An Indian parents who immigrated in UK with their family, wish to raise their children as keeping their Indian traditional culture and life style.  However their girl loves to play succor game. Even crossing the cultural gaps and generation gaps, young girls enjoy their own lives.

邦題:ベッカムに恋して                             イギリスに移民したインド人家族の物語。インドのしきたりを重んじながら、娘を育てようとする親の気持ちとは裏腹に、やんちゃで明るい娘はサッカーが大好き。民族間のカルチャーや世代間のカルチャーが交差しながらも、楽しく繰り広げられる青春ドラマ。