Two of Everything

By Lily Toy Hong (Albert Whitman & Company – 1993)

When a poor old Chines farmer is digging in his garden, he finds a magic brass pot that doubles or duplicates whatever is placed inside it. But his efforts to make himself wealthy lead to unexpected complications. This is a Chinese folktale with a good blend of humor and wisdom.


Red is a Dragon : A book of Colors

By Roseanne Thong, Illustrated by Grace Lin  ( Chronicle Books  – 2001 )

A Chinese American girl provides rhyming descriptions of the great variety of colors she sees around her from the red of a dragon, firecrackers, and lychees to the brown of her teddy bear. Many of the featured object are Asian in origin, but all are universal in appeal.>>>More details of some words related Chinese culture are found on the last pages.



Noodle Magic   

By Roseanne Greenfield Thong, Illustrated by Meilo So  ( Orchard Books – 2014 )

Grandpa Tu is famous for his special noodles and as the emperor’s birthday approaches, he encourages his granddaughter Mei, to find her own magic. This book is written in the style of a Chinese folk story, with engaging cultural, community, and family elements.


お祖父さんTu は特別な麺を作るので有名なのだが、皇帝の誕生日が近ずくにつれて、孫娘のMeiが自分の力で麺つくりを覚えることを励ました。この絵本は中国の民話のスタイルで、伝統文化と地域社会と家族のつながりの大切さを、楽しく微笑ましく再認識させくれる。

Chelsea’s Chinese New Year

By Lisa Bullard, Illustrated by Katie Saunders  ( Millbrook Press – 2012 )

Chelsea’s family is celebrating Chinese New Year. She and her family have a big feast. Find out the different ways people celebrate this special day!>>> One of the collection of Cloverleaf Books-Holidays and Special days.


Chelseaと家族にとって、中国の旧正月は大事な行であり盛大な祝いである。この特別な日をどのように祝うのか説明をしている。>>>これはCloverleaf Books-Holidays and Special daysコレクションの中の一作品。


By Susan Lendroth, Illustrated by Priscilla Burris (G.P. Putnam’s Sons – 2018)

The festival of traditional Japanese arts is coming up, and little Natsumi’s big personality is too much for her family’s quieter traditions, until her grandfather introduces her to taiko drumming. Natsumi performs taiko beating on the stage of the festival! Even Natsumi is the smallest on the stage, she will be the loudest drummer one day.



Yuki and the one thousand carriers  

By Gloria Whelan, Illustrated by Yan Nascimbene (Sleeping Bear Press – 2008)

Inspired on the nineteenth-century Japanese artist Utagawa Hiroshige and his series of “The Fifty-three Stations of the Tokaido Road.” In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, Japanese provincial governors had to travel to Edo (modern-day Tokyo) as making a long line with thousand attendants (carriers).Yuki’s father has been called to Edo, and she and her mother must accompany him in this royal procession. To ease her homesickness, Yuki capture her thoughts and impression in Haiku, one of Japanese forms of poetry.

19世紀の日本人芸術家の歌川広重と彼の作品 ”東海道五十三次” にインスパイアされて生まれた絵本。17世紀、18世紀の日本の大名は、江戸への旅に、千人もの付き人からなる長蛇の行列で出かけた。Yukiの父親が江戸に呼ばれ、Yukiと母親も同行する為に、この行列に加わった。望郷の念を和らげる為に、Yukiは旅での思い出や印象を俳句にしたためた。(注:著者による江戸時代の参勤交代の説明が、江戸と京都に半分ずつ出向くとした解釈は、江戸以前の制度との混乱があるかも知れない。-N.T.M.)

Red Kite, Blue Kite

By Ji-li Jiang, Illustrated by Greg Ruth (Disney/Hyperion Books – 2013)

When Tai Shan and his father, Baba, fly kites from their roof and look down at the crowded city street below, they feel free, like the kites. Then, a bad time comes. People wearing red armband shut down the school, smash store signs, and search houses. Baba is sent away, and Tai Shan goes to live with Granny Wang. Though father and son are far apart, every day they greet each other by flying their kites-one red and one blue-until Baba can be free again, like the kites.>>> Historical note is included.


Tai Shanと父親のBabaは、屋根の上から街の人混みを見下ろしながら、いつも一緒に凧あげを楽しんだ。ところが暗い時代がやって来た。赤い腕章をつけた人達が、学校を閉鎖し、店の看板を壊し、家家を捜査して回った。Babaも遠くに連れてゆかれ、Tai Shanは祖母と暮らした。父と離れ離れになった息子だが、彼等は赤と青の凧を交互にあげては、お互いを確認し合っていた。そして、それはBabaが自由の身になるまで継続した。歴史に翻弄されながらも、父と子の変わらぬ絆が伝わってくる。>>>時代背景の説明も記載されている。

Cora cooks Pancit  

By Dorina K. Lazo Gilmore, Illustrated by Kristi Valiant (Shen’s Books – 2009)

Cora loves being in the kitchen, but she always gets stuck doing the kid jobs like licking the spoon. One day, however, when all her older siblings are away, Cora’s mother finally lets her help make Pancit, a Filipino noodle dish. The delightful text and charming illustrations captures the warmth between mother and daughter as they share a piece of their Filipino heritage. Includes recipe for Pancit, and glossary of Tagalog words.



Shanghai Messenger

By Andrea Cheng, Illustrated by Ed Young (Lee & Low Books Inc. – 2005)

A free-verse novel about eleven-years-old Xiao Mei’s visit with her extended family in China, where the Chinese-American girl finds many differences but also the similarities that bind a family together.



In the Leaves

By Huy Voun Lee (Henry Holt and Company – 2005)

One beautiful autumn day, Xiao Ming and his friends take a trip to a farm. Xiao Ming can’t wait to show his friends the new Chinese characters he has learned, and his friends are just as excited to see them >>>The author was born in Phnom Penn, Cambodia and moved to the United Sates in 1975, and she has illustrated 3 other books about Chinese characters.


美しい秋の日に農場に出かけた時に、Xiao Mingは、新しく覚えた漢字を友達に教えたかった。そして彼の友達も、漢字を大いに楽しんだ。>>>作者はカンボジアのプノンペン生まれで、1975年に米国に移民した。彼女は他に3冊の漢字に関する本のイラストを担当している。