Home in the Woods

By Eliza Wheeler ( Nancy Paulsen Books – 2019 )

A small tar-paper shack deep in the woods doesn’t look like much of a home to six-years-old Marvel, her seven siblings, and their mom, but it is all they have. Starting over in this new place feels like a struggle at first, but each season in the woods reveals marvelous delights and blessings. The children find ways to work together and make it fun. As the days pass, they and their surroundings are transformed, and Marvel’s family discovers that good things do indeed take root when nurtured and given time to grow. >>> Inspired by the author’s grandmother Marvel’s childhood.


Love in the Library

By Maggie Tokuda-Hall, Illustrated by Yas Imamura ( Candlewick Press – 2022 )

Tama works in the library at the Minidoka incarceration camp, where she has been imprisoned because she is Japanese American. Life in the Idaho camp is relentless, and getting through each day is hard. Tama prefers to escape into her books, with their stories of honor and adventure. But every day, George is there, too – with a smile, yet another stack of books, and his comforting presence. It is George who helps Tama understand that she isn’t alone, and in that realization, hope is found. >>> Based on the experience of the author’s own grandparents.

Tamaは、Minidoka 強制収容所内にある図書館で働いていたが、日系アメリカ人の彼女自身その収容所に囚われの身であった。アイダホの収容所の過酷な生活は、日ごとに厳しくなっていった。Tamaは、現実を逃れて書物の中の素晴らしい物語や冒険に没頭した。しかし、Georgeも毎日そこに来た。彼の微笑みと本を抱えた彼に、だんだんと親しみが湧いてきた。日々の精神的な葛藤を抱えているのは、Tama一人ではないことに気ずかせてくれたのは、Georgeであった。そしてその時、希望も見つけだしたのだ。>>>作者自身の祖父母の体験を基に製作された絵本である。

A Concert in the Sand

By Tami Shem-Tov and Rachella Sandbank, Illustrated by Avi Ofer (Kar-Ben Publishing – 2017)

Uri’s parents are busy with lots of construction workers who come in their delicatessen to buy sandwiches for lunch, so Uri’s parents don’t have time for him. But his grandmother has time. The problem is that his grandmother only speaks German and Uri doesn’t. His grandmother invites him to take a walk with her. Uri follows to her, but no idea where she wants to go. They walk together along a Tel Aviv street and they can communicate anyhow as Uri guesses well. But Uri never imagine that they encounter the conductor and musicians of the orchestra that become the Israel Philharmonic. >>> Including historical background of Israel Philharmonic Orchestra.


The Ghoul

By Taghreed Najjar, Illustrated by Hassan Manasra, Translated from Arabic by Michel Moushabeck ( Crocodile Books, USA – 2020, Originally published in Arabic by Al Salwa Publishers, Amman, Jordan in 2015)

A story about facing your fears and accepting differences, inspired by Arabic folk tales. Long time ago, there are the villagers who are afraid of the “Ghoul”. For years, they’ve tiptoed around the village for fear of disturbing it. The monster doesn’t look like them and it is believed to eat humans. One day, the brave Hasan embarks on a dangerous mission to face the long-feared Ghoul. When Husan finally meets the Ghoul living on top of the mountain, he discovers that the Ghoul is just as terrified of people as they are of him. Hasan and the Ghoul realize that they can still be friends, despite their differences.


Georgia in Hawaii : When Georgia O’Keeffe Painted What She Pleased

By Amy Novesky, Illustrated by Yuyi Morales ( Harcourt Children’s Books – 2012 )

Georgia O’Keeffe(1887-1986) was famous for painting exactly what she wanted, whether flowes or akulls. Who would ever dare to tell Georgia what to paint? The Hawaiian Pineapple Company tried. Luckly for them, Georgea fell in love with Hawaii as her visiting in 1939. There she painted the beloved green islands, vibrant flowers, feathered fishhooks, and blue, blue sea. But did she paint what the Pineapple Company wanted most of all? >>> On the last pages, you will find the author’s note and the illustrator’s note.

Georgia O’Keeffe(1887-1986)は、花であれ頭蓋骨であれ、自分の思った通りに画く有名な画家だった。彼女に何を画けなど誰があえて言うだろうか?ところが、ハワイのパイナップル会社がパイナップルの絵を注文した。幸いなことに、1939年にハワイを訪れた彼女は、すっかりハワイに恋してしまった。そして彼女は美しい緑の島や、色鮮やかな花々、羽の付いた釣り針や、青い青い海を画いた。しかし、パイナップル会社が要望したような絵を、彼女は描いたのだろうか?>>>巻末に作者やイラストレーターの補足書きがある。

Bonnie’s Rocket

By Emeline Lee, Illustrated by Alina Chau (Lee & Low Books Inc. – 2022)

Inspired by the experiences of the author’s grandfather. Bonnie’s father is an engineer for the Apollo 11 mission. Bonnie is an engineer too, developing her own model rocket that she plans to launch high into the sky. While Baba works on the moon-landing module far away, Bonnie designs, builds, and tests her new project – with sometimes disastrous results! This book celebrates the diverse team that contributed to one of the United Sates’ greatest achievements. It’s also a heartwarming story about father and daughters, and a terrific gift for young space fans and future engineers. >>>On the last page, you can find the Author’s note and the instruction of how to built a rocket like Bonnie’s sky Voyager.


The Artist and Me 

By Shane Peacock, Illustrated by Sophie Casson (Owlkinds Books – 2016)

The Dutch artist Vincent van Gogh lived in southern France, in the 1880s and he was mocked for being different. Children and adults alike called him names and laughed at him. Inspired by these events, this book is the fictional confession of one of van Gogh’s bullies — a young boy who adopted the popular attitude of adults around him. But deep down the boy senses the truth-this hard working crazy man is creating magical painting that allow people to see the world in a brand new way. And later, when the boy is an old man, and he visited the great gallery with his grandson, he realized how terribly wrong he was.


Feathered Serpent and the Five Suns : A Mesoamerican Creation Myth

By Duncan Tonatiuh ( Abrams Books for Young Readers – 2020 )

Long ago, the gods of Mesoamerica set out to create humans. They tried many times during each sun, or age. When all their attempts failed and the gods grew tired, only one did not give up. It was Feathered Serpent, the god of knowledge. To continue, he first had to retrieve the sacred bones of creation guarded by the lord of the underworld. Gathering his staff, shield, cloak, and shell ornament for good luck, Feathered Serpent embarked on the dangerous quest to create humankind.>>>On the last pages, found the Author’s note and Glossary. Duncan Tonatiuh’s books in SHI collection.

大昔、メソアメリカ(メキシコ及び中央アメリカ北西部)の神々は、人間を創ろうと試みた。時代ごとに多くの試みを繰り返したが、すべて失敗であった。しかし、知識の神であるFeathered Serpent(「羽毛のある蛇」という名前)は、諦めなかった。作業を継続する為に、先ずは地下の神の支配から創作の為の神聖なる骨を収得しなくてはならない。 杖と、盾と、マントと、幸運を導く貝殻の飾りと共に、Feathered Serpentは人間創作を拒む多くの困難に立ち向かった。>>>巻末ページに、作者の解説と用語集がある。SHIのコレクションにあるDuncan Tonatiuhの作品

The Cats in Krasinski Square

By Karen Hesse, Illustrated by Wendy Watson ( Scholastic Press – 2004 )

The cats in Krasinski Square once belonged to someone….And so did a young girl, whose family has been destroyed by war. Even as she and her sister struggle to survive amid the war’s chaos, they risk their lives on a plan to help Jewish people still trapped behind Warsaw’s infamous Ghetto walls. >>>The story inspired on an article about cats outfoxing the Gestapo at the train station in Warsaw during WWII.


Little Houses

By Kevin Henkes, Illustrated by Laura Dronzek ( Greenwillow Books – 2022 )

When a girl visits her grandparents at the beach, she stays in a little housel. Every morning, she and her grandma looks for empty shells, and grandma reminds her that the shells are little house. And that gets the girl thinking, and her imagination grows widely and deeply. Her grandpa says ” The world is so big and there is so mulch to know. And someday you’ll know it all”. So she thinks everything she doesn’t know. But one thing she knows is that she will take some little houses back to her house.
