Saturday at the Food Pantry

By Diane O’Neill, Illustrated by Brizida Magro (Albert Whitman & Co. – 2021 )

Molly has never been to a food pantry before. It’s different from a grocery store: Molly and her mom have to sign in to enter, and there are limits on what they can buy. Then Molly sees her classmate Caitlin. But Caitlin isn’t happy to see Molly – she doesn’t want anyone to know she gets food from the pantry. Molly begins to wonder if there’s something wrong with accepting help. >>> One the last page, more details about Food Insecurity in the US.


My Daddy

By Susan Paradis (Front Street – 1998 )

The bond between a boy and his father is profound. This book explores it from the point of view of the child, depicting in simple words and deeply moving pictures the wealth of feeling evoked by everday events like Daddy doing to work, jogging, mowing the lawn, and telling a bedtime story. In a perfet union of words and picture, this book celebrate this complex and wonderful relationship. >>> Susan Paradis’s books in SHI collection.

少年と父親との絆は深い。この絵本は、子どもの視点からそれを証明している。優しい言葉と印象深いイラストを通して、毎日の父親の行動、例えば仕事へ出かける、ジョギングをする、芝生の手入れをする、ベットで寝る前の本を読んでくれる等、を観察している少年の豊かな感情を描いている。言葉とイラストが完璧にマッチしたこの絵本は、複雑で素晴らしい二人の絆を祝福している。>>>SHIのコレクションにあるSusan Paradisの作品

My Mommy

By Susan Paradis ( Front Street – 2002 )

A young girl celebrates how her mother, just like the animals that always seem near, expresses her love through such daily activities as eating, playing and snuggling together. From morning to bedtime, this book portrays in simple words and deeply resonant pictures the breadth and depth of little girl’s feeling for her mother. >>> Susan Paradis’s books in SHI collection.

少女が自分の母親の存在を心から感謝している。馴染みのある動物達と同じように。食べたり、遊んだり、一緒に過ごす時のような毎日の生活を通して、母親の存在を喜んでいる。この絵本は、優しい言葉と印象深い絵で、母親に対する少女の気持ちを広く深く朝からベットに入るまでを語っている。>>>SHIのコレクションにあるSusan Paradisの作品

The Moon is Going to Addy’s House

By Ida Pearle ( Dial Books for young readers – 2015 )

After Addy’s play date in the city, she heads to the country with her family. And through the long drive of going back to home, the moon seems to be following them. This is a beautiful and poetical bedtime story about a little girl and the friendly moon with gently and colorful illustration. >>> The book title appears only on the spine and the first page, and another version of the title on the front exists as well.


Three Squeezes

By Jason Pratt, Illustrated by Chris Sheban ( Roaring Books Press – 2020 )

“When you could neither talk nor stand, I gently held your tiny hand and gave it three soft squeezes. When you awoke within the night and cried from fear, I held you and gave you three long squeezes. ” Following a father and his son from babyhood to baseball games to graduation and beyond in this loving saga about the unbreakable bond between generations.


Welcome to the Party

By Gabrielle Union, Illustrated by Ashley Evans ( Harper – 2020 )

There is a party happening for a sweet baby girl. Her parents roll out the red carpet, turn the music up high, and bring gifts of warmth and love. This book is a sweet love letter for parents everywhere who are excited to welcome their baby, bundle of joy, to the party that is a life. >>>The author is an award-winning actress, activist and a mother.


Babies, Babies Everywhere!

By Mary Hoffman, Illustrated by Ros Asquith ( Otter-Barry Books – 2021 )

Follow five families and their babies from birth to around 12 months, with all the exitements, challenges and joys of that first year with a new baby. With lots to look at and point to, this diverse and inclusive celebration of babies, from The team who created The Great Big Book of Families will be loved by babies, older siblings, and grown-ups.. >>> Mary Hoffman’s books and Ros Asquith’s books in SHI collection.

赤ちゃんが生まれたばかりの5つの異なる家族を追いながら、誕生から一歳になるまでの楽しさと大変さが織りなす成長過程を語っている。細やかで微笑ましいイラストと共に、The Great Big Book of Familiesと同じコンビの制作者達による多様なる赤ちゃん祝福しているこの絵本は、赤ちゃんや年上の兄弟姉妹、そして大人にも好まれるだろう。>>>SHIのコレクションにあるMary Hoffmanの作品Ros Asquithの作品

Bailey & Blanket

By Emily House ( Blue Dot Kids Press – 2022 )

Everywhere Bailey goes, Blanket goes too. They love to adventure together. Until an uninvited guest joins the family picnic, and…disaster strikes. What will life be like without Blanket? Determined to keep the duo on their path of adventure, Dad crafts a plan. Lilting, lyrical text and comically detailed illustrations tell an uplifting tale about resilience, ingenuity, and love.


Night Job

By Karen Hesse, Illustrated by G. Brian Karas (Candlewick Press -2018 )

On Friday nights, when the sun goes down, a boy climbs onto the back of his father’s bike. His father’s night shift as a school custodian is just beginning. The lyrical story of the boy and his father is tenderly brought life by night colored illustrations in the luminous tribute to a quietly powerful, everyday sort of love between father and son.


Daddy Speaks Love

By Leah Henderson, Illustrated by E. B. Lewis (Nancy Paulsen Books – 2022)

Daddies are awesome. From day one, they are their children’s cheerleader, supporting them as they learn and grow and make sense of the world. It’s a task full of joy, adventures, giggles, and hugs – and also challenges, because the fight for a better worldl is never-ending. They set an example for the future whild sharing lessons from the past. But best of all, through life’s moments big and small, they are a source of comfort and encouragement. >>> E. B. Lewis’s books in SHI Collection.

父親達は素晴らしい。父親となったその日から、子ども達の成長に合わせて世界を学べるように、応援し支援してくれる。それは喜びと冒険と楽しさとハグを一杯含んだ仕事であり、より良い世界を築く終わりのない挑戦でもある。父親達は過去から学びながら未来への姿を示してくれる。そして何よりも、大小に関わらず、父親は安心と励ましの源なのだ。>>> SHIコレクションにあるE. B. Lewinsの作品