Raise your Hand

By Alice Paul Tapper, Illustrated by Marta Kissi  ( Penguin Workshop – 2019 )

Based on eleven-year-old Alice Paul Tapper’s own experience. This inspiring story shows how Alice took an idea and turned it into a national movement to give girls more confidence. After noticing that girls at school weren’t participating as much as boys, she put a plan into action and use her vice to encourage others to use theirs.

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11歳のAlice Paul Tapperの実体験を基にした絵本。アリスは、学校で女生徒の方が男生徒よりも手を上げないことに気ずいた。自分自身その理由を分析し、女生徒達が自信をもつ為のアイデアを他の女生徒達と話し合いながら、行動を起こした。その行動は全国に広がる運動となった。