A Single Pebble : A Story of the Silk Road

By Bonnie Christensen (Roaring Brook Press – 2013)

On a spring day in ninth-century China, young Mei gives her father a small jade pebble to carry on his journey selling silk along the road. A single pebble follows that piece of jade as it travels from China through central Asia to Europe, from merchants to acrobats to pirates, and finally to a boy who lives near Venice, at the other end of the long road.>>>A note on the Silk Road is at the last page, and the maps of silk road also found inside of front/back cover pages.

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It takes a Village

By Hillary R. Clinton, Illustrated by Marla Frazee                                                                  (Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers – 2017)

The book tells the heartwarming and universal story of a diverse community coming together to make a difference. All kinds of people working together, playing together, and living together in harmony makes a better village and many villages coming together can make a better world. Together we can build a better life for one another.>>>The old African proverb “It takes a village to raise a child” is a timeless reminder that children will only thrive if their families thrives. And in today’s world that includes all kinds of families raising and loving children. ~ Author’s Note of Hillary Clinton.


“It takes a village to raise a child” (一人の子どもを育てるのには、村が総出で協力する)は、アフリカの諺であり、二人の孫の祖母となったヒラリー・クリントン女史は、その諺を独自の言葉で表した。簡単明瞭な短文の英語テキストとダイナミックなイラストで、年齢、特技、性別、人種など様々な人達が相互協力し、調和の取れた村の集合体が広がり、素晴らしい世界の実現が可能になることを、祝福している。

My Special Day at Third Street School

By Eve Bunting, Illustrated by Suzanne Bloom (Boyds Mills Press – 2004)

Third Street School is buzzing with excitement as the students prepare for a visit from author Amanda Drake. The kids have read all her books. They’ve hung a welcome banner in the hall, and pinned drawings on the classroom walls. Then big day arrives and Amanda Drake is everything the kids hoped she’d be.


作家のAmanda Drakeを迎える準備の為に、Third Street学校は騒々しかった。生徒達は、彼女の本を全部読んだ。歓迎のバーナーを集会室に張り、クラスの壁には絵も飾った。そして、とうとうその日がやって来ると、Amanda Drake は皆の期待に応えるごとく、総てをこなしてくれた。

Sweet Moon Baby : An Adoption Tale

By Karen Henry Clark, Illustrated by Patrice Barton (Alfred A. Knopf – 2010)

The story of one baby’s journey from her birth parents in Chine, who dream of a better life for their daughter, to her adoptive parents on the other side of the world, who dream of the life they can give her. With gentle and warm tone of text and illustration, this adoption story just likes as a fairy tale.



How I was adopted

By Joanna Cole, Illustrated by Maxie Chambliss (Morrow Junior Books – 1995)

Sam has a joyful story to tell, a story completely her own, yet common to million of families-the story of how she was adopted. Sam learns how babies are born and how children grow. This is the story of what makes peoples different and what makes them the same. Most of all, it’s a story about love. And then, Sam’s own story begins.


Sam には、すてきな話があった。それは彼女だけの物語であり、同時に何百万もの家族とも似ている話でもある-養子としてもらわれた子の話である。Samは、赤ちゃんがどのように生まれるのか教えてもらい、子どもが成長することも学ぶ。この絵本は、一人一人がどのように異なるのか、又どのように同じなのかも語ってくれるが、何よりも愛についての話である。そこから、Samの物語は始まった。