
Directed by Eran Riklis (2012)

In 1982 during the Lebanese Civil War, Israeli pilot Yoni is shot down over Beirut and is taken prisoner by inhabitants of Palestinian refugee camp. Yoni talks to Fahed, one of captors, and tries to use Fahed for escape to return to Israel. Ten years old Fahed who lost his father wishes to plant his father’s olive tree in their ancestral land. Despite animosity against each other, Yoni and Fahed cooperate to take dangerous journey together to get past the border.

邦題:<ゼロ タウン 始まりの地>

内戦の続いていたレバノンでは、1982年6月にイスラエル軍が侵攻し9月にはパレスチナ難民キャンプで大虐殺が起きた。そんな荒れ狂う歴史の狭間のベイルートで、墜落したイスラエル軍機のパイロットとテロリストの訓練を受けるパレスチナ難民の少年が出会った。敵対心をむき出しにしながらも、2人には国境を越えたいとの共通の目的があった。イスラエル兵には家族のいる祖国へ戻る為、パレスチナ少年にはかつて家族が住んでいた土地に、亡き父の願いであったオリーブの苗を植える為に。2人の間の憎しみや、恐怖、不安がお互いの信頼と思いやりに変わるのには多くの試練があったが、最後の別れには感動がこみ上げてくる。David and Kamalでパレスチナ人少年Kamalを演じたAbdallah El Akalが、年齢と演技の成長振りを披露している。


Directed by Woody Allen(2006)

American female journalist comes to London, and  unexpectedly takes a part of Magic Show on the stage and receives a message about the scoop of serial murders from an English journalist phantom. Getting collaboration with the magician, she tries to  get close to an English young nobleman.  >>> The director Woody Allen also plays a role as the magician.


1935年生まれのWoody Allenが脚本、監督、マジシャン役で主演をしている。Scarlett Johansson演じるジャーナリストを目指す若い米国女性が、ロンドンに来てマジックの舞台に偶然立ったら、英国人ジャーナリストの亡霊から連続殺人事件の特だね(スクープ)を追う様に告げられた。マジシャンの協力を得て、彼女は英国人青年貴族に接近してゆく。邦題からイメージするサスペンス性よりも、主役の2人の早口な会話に年代のカルチャーの違いもチラつきながらユーモア性を出している。長年に渡って休むことなく映像や言葉で発信されるWoody Allenの多彩なる表現力は、幼い時からの異文化体験から培われた賜物かもしれない。この映画もその一作。

Mother of George

Directed by Andrew Dosunmu (2013)

Nigerian-American George, owner of African cuisine restaurant in New York, welcomes his new bride from Nigeria. Their wedding ceremony is filled with traditional manners, various colors, people’s joy, and it is a big celebration for wishing to have George’s next generation. One year and half passed, but George’s wife gets any sign of pregnancy. Day by day, she comes under pressure from people around her.


The Tiger Woods Story

Directed by LeVar Burton (1998)

Autobiographical story of professional golfer Tiger Wood from his childhood until his success becoming an world class golfer. Thai-American boy, his mother from Thailand and his father from America, experiences of struggling between two different culture and two different countries. His father teaches him to play golf and his daily life is very different from other children. Once get title of new record holding golfer, he faces to another struggle between murderous honor of celebrity and losing freedom of his own life. As avoiding putting a racial label on himself, not only Thai and Black-American but Chinese, Native-American, Dutch are all in his family line.



Directed by Joe Roth (2006)

Based on the novel by Richard Price. When white single mother claims her car stolen with her 4 years old son in the backseat and happened  in the low-incomers’ community of black people, the black detective senses and tries to avoid all possible troubles behind this unexpected event.

小説の映画化ではあるが、この事件に似たケースの人種問題が、現実の米国社会ではしばしば取り上げられる。映画の内容は、黒人低所得者の多く住む地区で車が盗難にあい、その後部座席に4歳の息子が眠っていたと白人のシングルマザーが訴えた。最初に駆けつけた黒人検事は、精神に支障をきたしたようなその母親から、真実を聞きだそうと努力する。この事件が起きた為、黒人低所得者の地区は閉鎖され、不満を募らせる黒人住民と白人強健派の警察側での緊張が高まり、その間に置かれた黒人刑事は、暴動が起きないように奮闘する。白人のシングルマザーをJulianne Mooreが、黒人の刑事をSamuel L.Jacksonが、それぞれ個性ある迫力ある演技を見せてくれる。

Instructions Not Included

Directed by Eugenio Derbez (2013)

Mexican playboy Valentin living in Acapulco was trained by his father how to control and overcome his own nightmare when he was little. One day playboy Valentin spent time with an American girl traveler, and few months latter surprisingly she knocks his door to leave a baby in Valentin’s hands and she never returns. Valentin goes to Los Angeles for searching the baby’s mother, but hopeless. Without any other choice, the ex-playboy finds a stuntman job in Hollywood and settles in Los Angeles to raise his baby girl, Maggie. Seven years old Maggie helps her father to  translate, as Valentin’s cannot understand English even at his jobsites in Hollywood. On the other hand, Maggie lives in the fantasy world  while she believes her world traveling mother will come home to be with her one day. It’s a comedy and silly story, but powerful messages in the ending. >>> The director Eugenio Derbez written the scrip and also starring role of father.


It could happen to you

Directed by Andrew Bergman (1994)

Inspired story by a real incident. In the multiethnic city New York, neighborhood cop Charlie recognizes no money in his pocket for paying his tip in a café-restaurant. Charlie makes a promise to waitress Yvonne to share the half amount if his holding lottery ticket in his hand comes up a winner. Charlie’s little sweet promise hits the big reality. He wins the jackpot, and his money hungry wife becomes more hungry and Yvonne’s husband as well. Charlie and Yvonne want to spend their money for more meaningful matters than egoistic personal agendas.

Nicolas Cage 扮する誠実で優しい警官は、ニューヨークの多民族社会住民達からも慕われていた。相棒の警官と入ったレストランでチップが払えなかった彼はウエイトレスに、宝くじが当ったら半分をチップ代わりにあげると約束した。ところが彼が買った宝くじが、当選してしまった。実話を基に面白おかしく脚色してはあるが、欲に走る警官の妻やウエイトレスの夫とは別に、みんなの喜ぶ為にお金を生かそうとする2人の間にお金では買えない愛情が芽生えてゆく、心温まる映画に仕上がっている。


Directed by Steven Spielberg (1997)

Based on a historical event in 1839 about repellence West Africans on a slave ship headed to Cuba. They attempt to sail back to Africa, but be fooled the direction and sail along the east coast of American continent.  American Navy arrest them, and they are on the trial for their bloody rebellion aboard the slave ship.


The Station Agent

Directed by Thomas McCarthy (2003)

Fin with dwarfism loses his only friend who owns a train model shop and Fin works with him. Accepting his best friend’s will, Fin moves to an abandoned train depot in rural New Jersey. Without expecting, Fin makes new friends who have different cultural back grounds and their friendship attached each other.


Smoke Signals

Directed by Chris Eyre (1998)

Tomas and Victor are raised in Native American reservation together since Tomas lost his parents on fire 22 years ago. Tomas respects Victor’s father, Arnold, as his real father, but Victor dislikes his alcoholic and hopeless farther who run away from his family ten years ago and never returned. One day Arnold passed away in Phoenix, Arizona, and Thomas and Victor get a mission to retrieve Arnold’s ashes. Two brothers take an unforgettable trip from Idaho to Arizona.   >>> The first feature made by a Native American crew and creative team, and won at   The Sundance Film Festival.
