The Girl who loved Wild Horses

By Paul Goble (Simon & Schuster – New York in 1979)

 A young Native American girl loved to care of her tribe’s horses. One heavy stormy day, the horses were frightening and run away from the tribe’s land, and the girl as well. The tribes searched for the girl, but nobody found her. One year latter, the tribes saw a girl with wild horses and she belonged to the world of wild horses.

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米国原住民の文化を良く理解している、Paul Gobleの数多くある作品の一つ。野生の馬をこよなく愛する少女が、ある日、雷雲におののく野生の馬の群れと消えてしまう。人々は少女を探したが、一年後に立派な野生の馬の群れと一緒にいる少女を見つける。人間の両親を慕いながらも、野生の馬の仲間になってしまう話が、独特の美しいイラストで力強く描かれている。

The Gift of the Sacred Dog

By Paul Goble (Bradbury Press – New York in 1980)

Long time ago, Native Americans lived with dogs who helped to carry heavy stuff, and accompanied them as needed. As following buffalos, one tribes didn’t have enough foods to eat. A brave boy form the tribes went to hills and prayed to the Great Spirit for help for his people. A rider on a magnificent animal came to him and said “This animal is called the Sacred Dog and he can many things your dogs cannot.”  The Great Spirit rewarded the boy’s courage, and the horse, or Sacred Dog, was given to his tribe.  >>> In a history, Spanish people brought horses to the American continent.

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My little planet – Little Seeds

By Charles Ghigna, Illustrated by Ag Jatkowska   ( Picture Window Books – Minnesota in 2012)

 In this poem, three different ethnic children discover that planning seeds is exciting adventure and that is good for the earth too.

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Speak up, Tommy!

By Jacqueline Dembar Greene, Illustrated by Deborah Melmon (KAR-BEN Publishing – Minneapolis, MN in 2012)

Inspired by a real News story. Tommy, boy from Israel, straggles to communicate with other classmate of his new  school in America. Tommy hesitates to speak English, and has a hard time to make a friend. One day, a police dog is invited in his classroom, and without expecting Tommy  yells to the dog in Hebrew. Surprisingly the dog understands his Hebrew, as the dog trained in Israel. Glossary of some words in English/Hebrew is on the last page.

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Hush, Baby, Hush!~Lullabies from around the world

By Kathy Henderson, Illustrated by Pam Smy  (Frances Lincoln Children’s Books – London in 2010)

Introducing lullabies songs form different counties. Written in the original language and English translation. The musical scores of each lullabies songs are on the last pages for your enjoyment to play.

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Africa Dream

By Eloise Greenfield, Illustrated by Carole Byard  (Harper Collins Publishers in 1977)

The cover is painted with some colored,  but all pages inside are black-white only to present a girl’s dream of African nature, town, culture and thoughts of her ancestors in Africa. The author and the illustrator are both origin of Africa.

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Mermaids on Parade

By Melanie Hope Greenberg (G.P. Putnam’s Sons – New York in 2008)

A girl participates the Coney Island Mermaid Parade and it’s an annual event to official summer opening of the beach in Brooklyn, New York.  As describing her excitements of the summer event filled with divers people and divers costumes, she shares her happiness as a winner of Little Mermaid Contest, and experience offering some fruits to Neptune, the ocean god.

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Who’s in my family? ~All about our families

By Robie H. Harris, Illustrated by Nadine Bernard Westcott (Candlewick Press – Massachusetts in 2012)

Nellie, Gus and their different race parents visit the zoo, and they observe animal families. And then they learn all kinds of human families as well as the diversity of their living location, their foods, their habits and their hobbies.

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My mom loves me more than Sushi

By Filomenu Gomes¸ Illustrated by Ashley Spires (Second Story Press – Toronto, Canada in 2007)

Telling about a strong love bonds between mother and her daughter as presenting delightfully different foods and its tastes from around the world. Not only Sushi, but other delicious treats are to enjoy eating and to take a world trip.

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Guess the baby

By Simon French and Donna Rawlins  (Clarion Books – New York in 2002)

In a multiethnic students class, Sam binges his infant brother for “Show & Tell” and their teacher, Mr. Judd reminds his class students that they were once babies as well. The students bring in their baby photos and create photo gallery in the classroom. And then they engage in a game of “who’s who” to match the baby to the classmate.

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